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Jan, 2018
The Dark Ages of Youth Soccer (Long Version)
As stated elsewhere it would be wonderful to have a few catchy simple phrases to toss out there to truly explain the Revo difference. Simple slogans ringing with truth and reassurance ... like so many you will encounter. Unfortunately most are reassuring but are also woefully misleading.
Youth Soccer Development is still in the Dark Ages ...
is one very accurate slogan we would endorse but that's not a slogan we are choosing to post.
Instead of simple slogans we are offering a discussion or an education of sorts about a proper youth development theory. Parents then can evaluate, on their own, what they are experiencing from any typical Club. Revo is truly unique and almost everything is done in a different manner ... because it has to be in order to elevate all aspects of the soccer experience for young players. In going against the grain feathers will be ruffled and we proudly acknowledge this. We believe the kids deserve so much more than what the current soccer landscape offers.
The following is a series of articles about this topic in 7 parts. The author and source will be apparent as well as the influential book that is mentioned. It's probably a book that every parent/coach/trainer should be forced to read but most have not and will not. This summary is a beginning for a lucky few. Proudly this is being shared as it was the same book that helped plant a few early seeds long ago which have lead to the creation of the Revo philosophy.
The Revo philosophy, attitude and opinions are all supported by similar sources which we believe are of a higher standard and lead to a higher level of overall Youth Development.
Youth Soccer: What were doing wrong part 1 - General Overview
Youth Soccer: What were doing wrong part 2 - Talent
Youth Soccer: What were doing wrong part 3 - Win-At-All-Costs
Youth Soccer: What were doing wrong part 4 - Coaches and Parents
Youth Soccer: What were doing wrong part 5 - Positions and Playing Time
Youth Soccer: What were doing wrong part 6 - Overlooked Potential
Youth Soccer: What were doing wrong part 7 - Traveling and Tournaments
It's time to enter the age of Enlightenment ...
Revolution ... Evolution ... Believe it!
The REVO difference.
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